IFW Training Programme Accreditation Procedure
1. Application
Your organisation completes and returns the application form, along with relevant slides and training notes for the programme. Verbal evidence is not accepted.
The completed form and supporting evidence will give the Assessor an indication if the programme is likely to pass or fail. If the view is that the programme will not pass, remedial feedback will be provided.
At this stage, no fee is charged for the review of the completed application form. Fees become due when we proceed to the assessment stage.
The application process reviews:
- Identification of training / development needs
- Development of programme
- Format & Content
- Delivery of programme
- Impact & Benefits of programme
- Evidence of Continuous Improvement
2. Assessment
The assessor will arrange to interview the trainer either face to face / via telephone / via zoom. The assessor could choose to attend the programme (additional fees apply).
The interview and possible attendance are to review the content of the programme not the person who delivers it.
The assessor may request feedback forms from the delegates who attended the programme.
3. Review
The assessor reviews all detail from the application from, the assessment and any feedback from delegates.
4. Award
Your organisation is awarded the IFW accreditation which includes:
- Confirmation of award letter
- Certificate that names the programme
- Acrylic plaque for display purposes
- Name of programme is added to the Training and Development Hub page on IFW website and will be presented to IFW members, plus a link to your organisation’s own site
The accreditation costs £600.00 plus vat per programme. Re-accreditation due to changes to the structure and content of the programme is charged at £450.00 plus vat per programme.
All three supporting documents are returned to your organisation.
A charge will be made for additional plaques or certificates.
CPD Query – The assessment form can show hours attended (for delegates) to assist CPD completion.