
Meet the speaker – Thomas Mathar, Aegon UK

Have you got your  IFW Conference 2024 tickets yet? It takes place on Tuesday 21st May 2024 t the Windmill Village Hotel near Birmingham.

Dr Thomas Mathar is one of the highly qualified key note speakers. Thomas heads up Aegon UK’s Centre for Behavioural Research, supporting internal and external stakeholders with behavioural research and the application of nudge-theory to help people live their best lives, now and in the future.

Thomas has been with Aegon since 2016, having previously worked in research agencies and government, health, consumer industries and in finance.

At the IFW Conference, Thomas will present the keynote talk: ‘Why do we even talk about financial wellbeing?’

Your key learning points:

  • Learn why relevance of Financial Wellbeing is a consequence of increased longevity
  • Understand the difference between a 3-stage and multi-stage life
  • Understand the business opportunities this results in

“The knowledge that there’s an interplay between money and happiness isn’t exactly new,” says Thomas. “In fact, it has ancient roots with great minds from the Stoics to the Greeks pondering the relationship. The answer we believe is: we talk more frequently about financial wellbeing because we talk less frequently about retirement readiness. And that’s because the very idea of retirement as conceived 150 years ago is on the brink of transformation. Financial wellbeing is not just about managing money but aligning financial decisions with personal happiness in both the present and future. In this landscape, the future financial adviser emerges not just as an investment guru but as a life coach for the complexities of a 100-year lifespan.”

Join us and Dr Thomas as we explore this paradigm shift and its implications for individuals, advisers and coaches alike.

You can watch a video from Thomas talking about his keynote session here.

View the full IFW Conference agenda here.

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